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An IoT-driven COVID and Smart Health Check Monitoring System
The current global threat posed by the novel severe respiratory disease Corona Virus 2 is the most serious global public health disaster. The Internet of Things (IoT) is redefining innovative medical approaches. It is the progressing medical care frameworks from conventional by allowing patients to be more easily diagnosed, and checked.
In this paper, a convenient physiological scrutinizing groundwork is presented, which will allow us to continually monitor the patient's body temperature, blood oxygen level, saline levels, and respiration rate alongside cough detection. In both indoor and outdoor environments, note the temperature, humidity, and the position of any hazardous gasses.
The data are saved on the web server, from which the person can access it from all over the world via an online connection.
We established a notification system for significant changes in sensor information via a web page, email, and SMS alerts with buzzer activation during an emergency.