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An Exhaustive Study on Deep Neural Network-based Prediction of Heart Diseases and its Interpretations

The Open Biomedical Engineering Journal 02 Jan 2023 REVIEW ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/18741207-v16-e221031-2022-HT27-3589-16


Cardiovascular disease prediction is important in day-to-day life. A tool to diagnose cardiovascular diseases is an Electrocardiogram (ECG), which records electrical activities happening in the heart through a wave. A determination is made by checking the wave changes in an ECG. Predicting wave changes and diagnosing the disease requires domain expertise like cardiologists/physicians. Deep Neural Network techniques extract the features accurately and automatically predict the type of disease. This article lists different types of cardiac disorders, and parallelly different disease interpretations of all types of diseases are discussed to manually identify the disease type; segmentation of leads, pre-trained models, and different detection techniques are discussed to predict the type of diseases from an ECG image. Finally, this article discussed the different challenges in predicting heart diseases, and solutions to some of the challenges are given.

Keywords: Cardiovascular Disease, 12 Lead ECG, Deep Neural Network (DNN), Challenges, ECG image, Heart diseases.
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