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Estimation of In Vivo Water Content of the Stratum Corneum from Electrical Measurements

The Open Biomedical Engineering Journal 3 Apr 2009 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/1874120700903010008


In vivo water content in the epidermal stratum corneum can be estimated by means of low frequency susceptance measurements. In the in vitro calibration necessary to find the in vivo water content, the stratum corneum will have a uniform distribution of water across its thickness. However, in vivo stratum corneum has an increasing water concentration profile from the outermost towards the innermost parts. This paper will investigate the possibility of estimating the equilibrium water content in the in vivo stratum corneum non-invasively from electrical susceptance measurements. Given a known shape of the water concentration profile in the in vivo stratum corneum and the dependence of susceptance on the water content, it is possible to calculate the water content in vivo based on analytically derived expressions for the water concentration profile. A correspondence between in vivo and in vitro water content needed for this purpose is also established.

Keywords: Bioimpedance, electrical susceptance, stratum corneum, hydration..
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